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Art and sustainability - how are they connected?


turtle magazin(e) x dieUmweltDruckerei

The topic of sustainability cuts across all areas of life and not even the field of literature is excluded from it.

But how can we imagine this in concrete terms? Of course, we can address sustainability in terms of content, both in a scientific and in a creative context, and thus raise our readers' awareness of it - quite simply by writing about the topic. But what we demand of the form of our art has just as much to do with sustainability as making it the subject matter of our written works.

Until now, the turtle magazine(s) has only existed in digital form. But we have longed to actually be able to hold our art in our hands. Ndow the time has finally come: the current online issue "Ganz Nah/ So Close" is going to print for the first time and will soon be available to you. And this is where the connection of art and sustainability comes into play.

Art should never be at the expense of others - not even at the expense of the environment. That's why it was very important to us to find a printing company that shares these values and genuinely stands in for them with a suitable work ethos and philosophy. We are overjoyed to be able to call dieUmweltDruckerei, a German ecological environmental printing company, our cooperation partner and sponsor.

With its concept, dieUmweltDruckerei pursues a holistic approach to sustainability. How exactly can we imagine this and what is meant by ‘holistic’?

In addition to using resource-saving materials, including 100% recycled papers and bio-printing inks based on vegetable oil, they work with electricity from renewable energies. And the special thing: The comparatively very low, but nevertheless unavoidable CO2 emissions that arise during production are compensated by means of socio-cultural projects for the benefit of climate and species protection.

An example? The necessity of aligning one’s work ethos with climate protection has meanwhile been recognized by many companies. However, despite its equal urgency, species conservation is still not given the attention it deserves. dieUmweltDruckerei has set itself the goal of counteracting the decline in biodiversity at home and abroad: Most recently, therefore, they have gotten involved with nature conservation association in Transylvania, Romania, which is home to Europe's three largest land predators: Brown bears, wolves and lynxes. Not only did the company’s commitment manifest itself in the form of financial support but it even included active participation on site!

You can read more about this and other exciting projects directly on dieUmweltDruckerei's blog on their website.

The efforts of dieUmweltDruckerei are therefore not limited to resource-saving print production per se but are furthermore characterised by a far-reaching support of global projects through donations to suitable initiatives, research support and even personal participation.

To conclude, ‘holistic’ because the company's self-declared claim to its sustainable concept not only takes into account the printing process itself, but it also take responsibilities that go beyond the boundaries of its own industry.

We are very proud to be able to work with a company that wants to make a difference with its vision - just as we do with our art. Here's to a collaboration between projects that go a little beyond the margin of their own pages!

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