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Latest: New on our Website

Recently there has been quite a lot of new content on our website! This is a small overview:


A photo spread by Lilly Gladenbeck, accompanied by a poem. The spread was inspired by the motto “Let the window do all the talking”. What are we seeing through windows? In what way do windows and looks through them speak with us?

"Abendstimmung" (Evening Mood)

A photo spread by Leonie Winter. Leonie created it during a walk with her analogue camera through Munich. A poem captures the mood of the evening walk.

Asphalt Crumble

A short story about an old woman who is waiting for death to fetch her. Her last moments take place on a street between France and Germany. By Lara Wüster, illustrated by Peter Le Schulz.

"Neulich" (Recently)

A poem by Leonie Winter about barbecue evenings in the summer and conversations during the night. Lilly Gladenbeck illustrated the text, creating the picture of a hovering figure in a night sky. It represents the lyrical I who – free from their thoughts – is enjoying the mild evening and losing themselves in the night.

"Outfits" Review

A review about the poetry collection “Outfits” by Heike Fröhlich and Ricarda Kiel. The poetry collection combines clothing, expressing oneself through it and feminism. In the process, many important questions are raised: What is feminine writing? What is feminism? Does enough deconstruction happen within the texts?

FakeMaggy Interview: Is Instagram poetry really poetry?

Lara Wüster talked to the instagram poet FakeMaggy. A conversation about digital art and writing poetry in times of Instagram and co. What effect does a community have that shares and reads their own self-written poetry?

Photo by FakeMaggy


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